Our attorneys specialize in various areas of law and offer a variety of services to meet your needs in all areas of life. Our notaries are at your disposal for precise and reliable notarization services, from the notarization of important documents to the notarization of comprehensive legal transactions.
Attorney services
Legal advice, negotiations, litigation
- Civil labour law
- Public labour law
- Civil construction law
- Public construction
- Planning law
- Terms and conditions
- Legal advice for companies
- Estate planning
- Representation of heirs
- Estate administration
- Estate distribution
- Advisory services incl. representation in the board of directors of companies
- Incorporations
- Liquidations
- Reorganizations and restructurings
- Questions of responsibility in management
- Proxy holder in general meetings
- Servitudes
- Property rights (incl. co-owners condominium owners)
- Neighbouring rights
- Mortgages
- Legal advice for tenants and landlords
- Legal advice for leaseholders and freeholders
- Litigation before swiss courts
- Litigation in civil and administrative law
- Seizure proceedings
- Debt enforcements and litigation in bankruptcy
- Procedures in order to dismiss objections
- Legal representation of damaged parties/civil lawsuits
- Criminal defense
- Legal advice to cantons, cities and municipalities
- Litigation for private persons
- Insurance law
- Vivil liability law
- Terms and conditions
- Preparation and audition of various contracts
- Litigation
- Law of cantons, cities and municipalities
- Constitutional law of the federation and cantons
- Legal advice and litigation
- Legal advice on taxation of individuals
- Representing individuals in dealings with the tax authorities
Notary Public services
Legal advice, Certification, Register entry
- Simple surely bonds
- Joint security
- Marriage and inheritance contracts
- Inventories
- Last wills
- Trusteeship, guardianship
- Incorporations
- Capital increases
- Capital reductions
- Liquidations
- Amendments of bylaws
- Transfer of assets, M&A’s, spin-offs or transformations of companies
- Creation of condominium ownership, co-ownership and joint ownership
- Servitude agreements
- Property purchase and donation agreements
- Purchase right and pre-emptive right agreements
- Parcelings / combining of land or consolidations of parcels
- Incorporations
- Amendments of foundation deeds
- Legalizations of copies, signatures or translations
- Notarisation of further contracts
- Affidavits